Ripple Created from Long line of Bankers, Claims Crypto Influencer


Edo Farina, a divisive figure in the XRP sphere, known for his roles at XRPHealthcare and Alpha Lions Academy, has ignited a firestorm with his audacious claims regarding the genesis of Ripple and XRP. Farina’s recent assertions suggest a clandestine lineage intertwined with an ancient banking dynasty, challenging the conventional narrative surrounding the cryptocurrency’s origins.

In a provocative series of revelations posted on X (formerly Twitter), Farina presents a compelling argument that XRP’s inception is not merely a product of the digital age but a calculated maneuver orchestrated by a cabal of banking elites. “I’ve delved into this labyrinth for over 7 years,” Farina declares, “and every breadcrumb leads to one conclusion: XRP is the chosen currency, the phoenix rising from the ashes of traditional finance.”

Revisiting Ripple’s Origins: A Revisionist Tale

While mainstream accounts credit Ryan Fugger with founding Ripple in 2004, subsequently evolving into Ripple Labs Inc., Farina casts doubt on this narrative. He points to a 1991 registration of Ripple Communications, allegedly linked to Fugger and associated with the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), suggesting a covert agenda lurking beneath the surface.

Drawing attention to Suzanne Wilson-Houck’s tenure as both a Ripple executive and CEO of INSA, Farina insinuates a nexus of influence and power that transcends the boundaries of traditional corporate structures. The sudden disappearance of Ripple Communications coinciding with significant developments in the Ripple ecosystem raises eyebrows and fuels Farina’s suspicions of a deeper conspiracy.

Unearthing the Fugger Dynasty: An Unsettling Connection

Farina’s most contentious assertion revolves around Ryan Fugger’s purported lineage to the Fugger family, infamous for their dominance of European economics during the 16th century. By linking Fugger to this historical dynasty, Farina insinuates a hereditary predisposition towards financial manipulation and control, echoing the past glories of the Fugger banking empire.

Intriguingly, Farina draws parallels between the Fugger family’s minting of their currency and XRP’s ambitions as a global medium of exchange. He underscores the presence of a phoenix motif on historical Fugger coinage, a motif echoed in the symbolic imagery of The Economist’s 1988 cover—an eerie foreshadowing of a future dominated by cryptocurrencies.

A Provocative Conclusion: Fiction or Revelation?

Farina’s controversial theory paints Ripple not as a harbinger of financial liberation but as a cog in the machinations of a centuries-old banking elite. He contends that XRP’s trajectory is not happenstance but a meticulously orchestrated scheme, designed to perpetuate the hegemony of financial aristocracy into the digital age.

As XRP continues to trade at $0.5368, Farina’s assertions linger in the minds of skeptics and believers alike. Whether his narrative is fiction or a revelation remains a subject of fervent debate within the XRP community. But one thing is certain: the veil of secrecy surrounding Ripple’s origins has been lifted, revealing a web of intrigue that may forever alter perceptions of cryptocurrency’s role in reshaping the global economy.


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Bitcoin Maximalist and Toxic to our banking and monetary system. Separation of money and state is necessary just like the separation of religion and state in the past.

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