Bitcoin as Payment? UK Prime Minister Dismisses Allegations of Bitcoin or $1 Million Payment for Interview


In a recent development, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has become embroiled in a media controversy involving former Fox News host Tucker Carlson. The contention centers around an alleged request by Johnson for Bitcoin or a million-dollar fee in exchange for an interview, a claim vehemently refuted by the Prime Minister’s team. Carlson, known for his influence in Right-wing US media circles, accused Johnson of stipulating the payment for a discussion concerning Ukraine.

Accusations by Carlson and Response by Johnson

During a recent interview with Blaze TV, Tucker Carlson claimed that Johnson’s team had indicated the possibility of an interview but attached a substantial price tag. According to Carlson, the Prime Minister insisted on a million US dollars, gold, or Bitcoin.

Speaking to Blaze TV, a right-wing news outlet, Carlson stated:

“After some time, one of his advisors communicated to me, ‘He will engage in discussion with you, but it will require a payment of one million dollars.'”

The Telegraph reported Carlson as saying:

“He demands one million dollars, payable in US dollars, gold, or bitcoin – this transpired just yesterday or the day before. Subsequently, he will engage in discussions regarding Ukraine and elucidate his stance on the matter.”

Johnson’s team promptly rebuffed these allegations, asserting that it was Carlson who initiated the offer, and Johnson had initially agreed, contingent upon the funds being directed to charitable causes supporting Ukrainian veterans. However, the interview never materialized, with Johnson citing the tragic passing of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny as a contributing factor.

Bitcoin: An Unexpected Element in Media Controversy

In an unforeseen twist, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin has become entangled in this media dispute. Carlson, while recounting the purported interview proposal, specified that Johnson had expressed a preference for a million dollars in BTC.

The rationale behind this preference remains obscure, but the inclusion of Bitcoin adds an intriguing dimension to the unfolding narrative. Johnson’s team has refrained from commenting on this specific detail, leaving room for conjecture regarding the role and significance of the cryptocurrency in the proposed interview.

Bitcoin, a leading digital asset that has witnessed substantial price appreciation over the past decade, has garnered attention within financial circles globally. Johnson, cognizant of Bitcoin’s remarkable performance, is purported to have faith in its sustained success.

This belief is grounded in Bitcoin’s history of significant value escalation, from a nominal value of $0.003 in 2010 to approximately $69,000 in 2021. The recent approval of 11 spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) further underscores the cryptocurrency’s status as a premier asset.

The Intersection of Politics and Cryptocurrency

The convergence of politics and cryptocurrency in this narrative introduces a layer of complexity to the already contentious exchange between Johnson and Carlson. The proposition of Bitcoin as a payment method raises inquiries about the expanding influence and acceptance of cryptocurrencies in mainstream transactions.

As political discourse intersects with the financial realm, the narrative highlights the evolving landscape of media, politics, and the role of emergent technologies like Bitcoin in shaping these dynamics.


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Bitcoin Maximalist and Toxic to our banking and monetary system. Separation of money and state is necessary just like the separation of religion and state in the past.

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